POLLINATION The process in which pollen grains from anther of male flower are transferred to stigma of female flower is called pollination. Usually the water, air, wind, insects such as bees acts as agents of pollination. Pollination can happen in two ways: natural pollination and artificial pollination. Wind, water, insects and animals such as birds and bats pollinates the flowers and thus acts as natural pollinators. These pollinators transfer the pollen grains from the anther of one flower to stigma of another flower . TYPES OF NATURAL POLLINATION There are two types of natural pollination. Cross pollination: when pollen grains from the anther of one flower is transferred to stigma of another flower of same species, it is called cross pollination. This pollination occurs between flowers of two different individual plants but of same species. Self pollination: When pollen grains are transferred from an ant...